Hello and welcome to Time for Changes!

Here you can find reflections on leaving a nice corporate career behind and dedicating yourself to the family by becoming a wife and mother. Furthermore, you can follow the life changes in the pursuit for another passion: helping others through Coaching and Pilates. Finally, all of this is happening while living in a different country, culture and language – it has definitely been a fun adventure and it’s great to be able to share these changes with you.

The baby section has articles displayed in chronological order but otherwise feel free to navigate randomly through the different posts. They are spontaneous bursts of reflections and reactions along the journey, as different things were happening.

Thank you for being a part of this project, may you find it engaging and enjoyable.

Sometimes, it’s time for a career move. Sometimes, it’s time for more.

Here will be the place and time to share that move. Maybe it will move you too.

Table for one

Table for one

Fast forward and I am now completely in love with my husband and son. What I felt at the time, though, was real and sincere. My husband just changed my whole world and life upside down.

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Notes for life

Notes for life

I wish I had told her how her work had a rippling effect not only throughout my life but also my son’s. Now I can only hope she found something else, maybe even better. Most of all, I hope she kept bringing music to children’s souls.

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Many faces of Bias

Many faces of Bias

I did miss and wish there had been more diversity in my teams. If we were serving global users, it made a lot of sense to have global teams.

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An Ode to my husband

An Ode to my husband

May there be no doubts, though: Family is the highest priority for both of us. We simply figured out this was the best format for us, as a unit, to build a life we loved.

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Week 38 – Ukulele

Week 38 – Ukulele

Countdown to the big day Week 38! Wow "Now, it's countdown time. I am very agitated, wondering what each sign could mean, what to do and not do."  We had our last scheduled appointment with the doctor and it all went very well.   Both the baby and I are ready and set for birth. It could happen today or in two weeks, there's no way of knowing for sure.   My body is now super tired, different types of pain coming at different times. All these changes are, I imagine, setting us up for the big moment.   The blood sugar levels are normal, borderline too low so all is good in that front as well.   Now, it's countdown time. I am very agitated, wondering what each sign could mean, what to do and not do. There's no rush for the boy to arrive but I would love to know when it will happen.   In the meantime, there's not much to do apart from being patient. I'm so grateful that I don't have an office to go to and pretend to work. There's no way I could get anything done, I would piling up stress and draining precious energy. Going for a walk around the block is already a big and exhausting adventure.   Support My husband has been amazing and trying to give as much support as possible. It must be very tough for him, to know the baby is about to come but not feel it growing inside of him bit by bit. And there's so much going on, at work, with us, with...

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Week 37 – Small Pizza

Week 37 – Small Pizza

Getting to the finish line Bigger Belly, Bigger Excitement "I hope I'll remain calm and kind enough to be there for him. It's the best I can do for him."  At this point the baby could be born and most likely be strong and healthy.   We are coming to the finish line and it's becoming more and more real. The belly is getting bigger, more compact. The back is getting more sensitive so there's more pain and discomfort. The pelvis is changing by the hour, tilting, expanding and pulling down.   The baby's movements also feel different. Now it's less about kicking and punching but more about rolling and stretching. There's less space and more interaction.     We are here for you. Daddy is also growing more excited and realising that this is actually happening. And so am I.   The week went by without much to report. I've been busy with work related things and all is ready for the baby. But, most of all, I've been quite tired. I move a little and that's enough to get exhausted. No point in pushing hard but I know it's good to move. And it does feel better after exercising a bit - regardless if it's in the pool or going for a walk.   My mind is also tired and I can't focus on anything for long. I keep forgetting small things and getting distracted but that's okay. If you can't beat them, join them. In this case, it's better to smile at it and move on.   I've been reading more about delivering the baby, what...

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Week 36 – Pillow

Week 36 – Pillow

The baby is the size of a throw pillow The belly is the size of a big pillow Arrivals and Departures "I miss falling asleep in his arms and feeling like there’s no better place in the whole world. And then waking up with a sense of gratitude when I see him and my giant belly."  Very soon the baby will be here. It's impossible to say if in a few days or a few weeks but it's happening very soon. I've heard that when you get to these final weeks of pregnancy, you can't wait to get it over with - it's too tiring and uncomfortable. Plus, you are eager to get to know your child.   I'm not in that phase if I will be at all. He seems happy and growing smoothly inside my belly and I would much rather prefer he takes his time and decides when it's the right moment.   Sure, I am tired, my back and pelvis keep changing at every moment. I'm often a bit dizzy, not sure if I'm hungry or full; if I should walk or lay my head on a pillow. Yet, all that is good. My body is figuring out what to do, how to enable both of us being well and getting ready for the big day. But, hey, ask me again in a week - maybe I'll have a very different answer.  My husband is away, on a business trip. So, I'm home alone, with no structure or agenda. It's nice and quiet and I can take this time to reflect and process on things. I...

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