Hello and welcome to Time for Changes!

Here you can find reflections on leaving a nice corporate career behind and dedicating yourself to the family by becoming a wife and mother. Furthermore, you can follow the life changes in the pursuit for another passion: helping others through Coaching and Pilates. Finally, all of this is happening while living in a different country, culture and language – it has definitely been a fun adventure and it’s great to be able to share these changes with you.

The baby section has articles displayed in chronological order but otherwise feel free to navigate randomly through the different posts. They are spontaneous bursts of reflections and reactions along the journey, as different things were happening.

Thank you for being a part of this project, may you find it engaging and enjoyable.

Sometimes, it’s time for a career move. Sometimes, it’s time for more.

Here will be the place and time to share that move. Maybe it will move you too.

An update – it has been a while

When I saw that what I had been sharing was incoherent, shallow and often sprinkled with typos, was disappointing. Between a lack of energy and a lack of time, the writing got sloppy. You deserve better. Thus, I decided to pause for a while.

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LightsWe had guests visiting a few days ago, and I was recommended to write here again. I have a site where I have started sharing our family adventure into the permaculture world, and the little I write is there.  Still, here it is. Today marks the start of the cold...

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This is all very new, so the research, while growing, is still not robust and widely spread. This is also very old, so it ends up aligning with the wisdom of our elders: sleep well, eat well, move well.

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Living in a pandemic was not only locking us at home, we were actually locking ourselves away from Nature, movement, connection.

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and suddenly we clash, as if wanting to hit our chests like a gorilla and, out of pride, yell “back off”, “this is my space”.

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The ex

The ex

The crappy butterflies, the pink walls, the ugly lamps, the obnoxious painting, the broken kitchenware, the tacky cat sticker and cheesy flower pots. I hate them all. They all scream at me and tell me I'm just a guest, a passenger passing by. A temporary shadow in a...

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Wasted days

Wasted days

Wasted days “Where are you going today?” I remember shrieking whenever my dad asked me this while I was growing up. This would often happen when I would spend a bit more time at home. He wanted to make sure I was living my life to the fullest, that I was getting out...

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Should we homeschool?

Should we homeschool?

Even if it is just a few hours per day, they will still be under the care and influence of their teacher, peers and other school staff members for a significant part of their time awake.

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No Noes

No Noes

I always believed I couldn’t be a salesperson because I would hear “no” all the time. The irony, of course, is that I became a mother of two small children.

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We have a surprise – Oh, no!

We have a surprise – Oh, no!

The power of routines in babies livesLittle did I know how, one day, routines would be such a crucial part of my life. There ’s beauty in chaos, in uncharted territories, in endless possibilities. Waking up and having no clue what to do next, waiting to see what we...

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