Week 15: Cinnamon Roll
A week with health issues but mostly with a positive mood, feeling the baby growing, with a visit from my dad and gearing up for the house move.
We are on a roll
Week 15: The baby is now the size of a cinnamon Roll
We were on a roll, this week!
My dad came to visit, and it was great to share the news in person: the family is growing, and he’s going to be a grandpa again. Few things taste as good as bringing such joy to others, cinnamon rolls being up there on the list as well.
It was also delicious to see him and our boy bond and spend time together. There’s something about the love of grandparents that seems very special and unique. I missed that in my childhood, and it would bring much warmth and extra love to our babies. However, the distance only allows for short visits now and then. Better than nothing, though, and those two loved their time together.

A Roll in our stomachs
Unfortunately, we also got a stomach issue. First the baby, then me and then my husband. One by one we were all rolling in our stomachs and wishing for it to go away. Because I am pregnant, there wasn’t much I could do but rest, drink loads of water and teas. Except, drinking was challenging at this point. Anyway, it was intense but went by quickly.
A Roll in our noses
And then we got a cold. First my dad, then the baby, then me and then my husband. That one is taking longer to recover, and we are all a bit tired. The baby is sleeping more than usual, back to two naps and marching through it like a champion. Between teething, an upset stomach and a cold, he manages to stay in a good mood. He needs more cuddling, rest and special meals but otherwise, he’s doing great. He’s amazing.
A Roll in my belly
The pregnancy is going very smoothly this week. Sure, I was quite nervous about being sick and pregnant, but my doctor was able to reassure us a little. On top of that, it might be just wishful thinking, but I think I can feel him moving a bit already. It’s spectacular. He will come into a loving family and with a brother ready to play with him. May they be healthy, happy and best buddies in life.