Week 13: Spikes
A spike in growth, in the mood, in energy and family rhythms. A week that went by quickly as the first trimester comes to an end.
Spikes and softness
Week 13: The baby is now the size of a small cactus
After last week‘s excitements, news and adjustments, this week we’ve been settling into a rhythm again.
My mood is having spikes, mostly upwards but sometimes also making me feel quite emotional. The first trimester is coming to an end but some of the symptoms are still clearly there: tiredness, mood swings and funky digestion being some of them. Either way, the mood has been mostly good and I am enjoying both my child and the pregnancy very much.
My belly is starting to show – earlier than last time – or maybe it’s a whole combination of factors. Still, it’s funny to see how my protective instinct towards the baby is already active: it feels like my whole belly is now a cactus so nothing should come near it – there’s a baby growing that needs to be left in peace!

Spike in Family Time
This weekend, we are starting a family vacation for almost a week. I can’t wait for it: the whole place is geared towards family so I am excited about being somewhere where we can rest for a bit and just have quality time together. My husband and baby will also have a chance to spend more time together than usual. We need this and I am very grateful that my man had the opportunity to take the time off, even though he recently had to go on a medical leave. Family first, sure – but it’s one thing to say it and another thing is to live by it. I love these men.
In the meantime, a friend of ours is coming over and helping us mount the Pilates machine. It will be good to spend some time with him, get to know more about what he’s been up to and share a nice meal. On top of that, if we finally – after all those months – we get a functional Pilates machine, I will be so very glad. It will be so much worth it both for me during pregnancy and for my man’s physiotherapy.