Tag: life changes

Mirrors – Reflections on Disrespect

Everyone that enters our lives is a teacher, they all have something to give. This lesson was a very expensive reminder that I come first. It is true that I can try to understand where others are on their path in life and what they are struggling with (narcissism, a very broken soul?). Yet, protecting my own space and needs must come first.

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Deciding when it’s time to push and when it’s time to let go. A journey of balancing different priorities between pregnancy, passions, family, health.

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Concentrated Happiness

We have a new home, a beautiful home and it’s just unbelievable how great this phase in life is. We spent the weekend packing and unpacking, dealing with little time and tiredness but in the end it was actually quite a lot of fun. The new home is beautiful and we are now discovering bits and pieces at each moment. There’s a lot to process and assimilate and I have caught myself a few times just looking out at the garden (because now there’s one!), without moving for a long time, while feeling like I’m doing a million things...

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So, what happens when you leave the place you’ve been intensely working at for the past ten years? Surprisingly little, at first. I still wake up from dreams about work, wondering about a report, or a project that needs to get done. A keyword, a name will trigger an association with work and the impulse to find out more, to interfere. I still say we/our when in reality it’s they/theirs. Every now and then there is a pang of anxiety, a feeling that this is just a vacation, an interruption; a sense of the floor slipping under my feet....

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Badging out

It was 9:30 on a Friday and I was having the meeting with HR. Everytime we had worked together in the past it had been great so it felt particularly awkward to be having an exit interview with them. It was over 10 years working there and it matters to me to leave without any burnt bridges and showing the utmost respect for everyone. Having said that, it also makes a statement when you are leaving without any plans in terms of career. There was a lingering question on whereas I was unsatisfied with work or colleagues. The person I...

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