Author: Inês Paler

Week 16 – Action Figure

Week 16 – Action Figure Baby is the size of an Action Figure Feeling and Mood Swings What am I feeling? “On top of it, it is clear the rest of the world is not getting it; obviously, a pregnant woman is just a woman with a baby bump who gets an excuse to eat ice cream whenever she wants..”  The baby is doing great, growing and moving around quite often. It is quite a unique feeling to sense him and an ongoing source of surprise smiles. The belly is getting big and beautiful. The boy is now the...

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Week 15 – Avocado

Week 15 – Avocado The Baby is the size of an avocado Started feeling him move He is Moving! “He is not sure if he really felt it or if it was wishful thinking but we are both super excited. It makes it even more real..” The baby is moving – I can feel it and it’s awesome. It’s not kicking yet but more of a sense of swimming against the walls of the placenta. It’s such a wonderful feeling it’s hard to describe. There’s clearly a person inside me and he’s making space and exploring his world. My...

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Week 14 – Troll!

Week 14 – Troll! Second Trimester Energy and Confusion Second Trimester – Yuppie! “Looking at pictures is just a perfect recipe to laugh, cry, smile and fall asleep.”  I keep hearing about all the wonder of the second semester: more energy and excitement, loads of drive, no more nausea and other funky symptoms… great, bring it on! Except there hasn’t been much of a difference and I’m still quite tired all the time. There’s an appointment next week so we’ll see if the iron levels are good or if there’s something else that could explain this.   The belly...

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Push and Pull

Having been a ballet dancer and what not, I can only imagine the type of training and dedication she went through. I wouldn’t be surprised if she thinks she’s actually kind of a softy with me.

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The curve – continued

Pulling Straps makes me angry. It’s hard to explain but it’s incredibly annoying. I push through it because I know I react like this is because it looks sooooo simple and yet I really struggle with it.

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