Week 9: Flying with the Flow
Everything is happening so quickly! Let’s fly with the flow, enjoy the moment and be grateful for such a magical family and life. It’s time to breathe in before the next wave of changes.
Fast changes, it’s time to fly with flow
Week 9: The baby is now the size of a butterfly
Things are flowing quite quickly. The baby is growing well, and it feels like he or she is happy and healthy.
We might have found our new home; we will be going for one last visit this weekend to make a decision. The place is lovely, fully renovated and we are very excited about living there. If it happens, we will be moving again, rebuilding our nest and starting again.
It is a significant change, but we feel it will be for the best, for all of us. Still, there will be a lot of energy and time flowing into this new adventure. We are a bit overwhelmed as it is a lot going on. Our babies will have a fantastic place to explore the world from, though, so it will be worth it.

In the meantime, our baby seems to have found its flow again with the naps. I think we were messing with his rhythm and not really respecting his sleeping tempo. At least, for now, it seems like we have found a new equilibrium that is working very well for him.
As for the baby in my belly, I can’t wait to start feeling some movements and connect a bit more. For now, the symptoms seem a bit better to deal with: some nausea, but less, exhausted, not sleeping well and some mood swings. To be fair, it’s not really mood swings: I am just getting irritated more easily. In fact, the mood has been good and fairly stable. Unless, of course, I can’t keep my baby clean and fed for more than a few minutes and then I feel incompetent. Indeed, there were few tough days last week but this one is flowing much better.
All and all, things are happening very quickly. It feels like the pregnancy is going faster, the days are flying by and life is speeding up. I was trying to resist it for a moment but then I remembered my days from meditation (now a bit more seldom) and the realization that it’s just so much healthier and more positive to go with the flow. To fly with the momentum, especially given things are going so well and we are – to be best of our knowledge – steering things according to our values and towards our dreams.
Netherless, I am hoping for a family break. It doesn’t matter where or how long. After my husband’s trip, the last tough couple of weeks and a wave of changes about to come, we need some quality time, to slow down and enjoy the moment. Life is about to change and it feels like an important moment to just breathe in and savour all of this.