Hopping around places, thoughts, dreams.

“It’s shocking to realise he does not count yet as a member of this world. It’s crazy, once you think about all that he is doing already and the impact he has in our lives.”
It has been 35 weeks already. Time is going by quickly and in a few weeks, the baby will be here. This is becoming more and more real – he moves a lot, my belly is growing and the contractions make his presence undeniable.
I am hopping around our place and wondering if there’s something missing. Yet, it doesn’t calm me down or removes any doubts. In the end, I have no clue what I am doing. But then again, isn’t it enough for the baby to be with his daddy and mummy, to be fed, loved and kept warm? Perhaps that is too naive. So I leap back to his room and wonder what else can we do there. And then I go through his clothes, toys and accessories. It seems like it’s all there.
What about me? Do I need anything apart from the few clothes that are fit for breastfeeding? Isn’t that a luxury already?
And the daddy – what else can we do so that he’s feeling prepared and on top of things? We talk about it and he’s very engaged. Maybe that’s all there is to it.
I’m positive that the rest will come. The baby will tell us what he wants and needs. We’ll learn to adapt to being a family of three people when we are actually three living in our home.
Clearly, the baby is already a person, already exists and interacts with the world. It’s shocking to realise he, officially and legally, does not count yet as a member of this world. It’s crazy, once you think about all that he is doing already and the impact he has in our lives.
In the meantime, this was a very meaningful week for us as a couple. It was our first wedding anniversary. We took the train and went all the way to Paris, for a long weekend. We both have good memories from there and the city played an important role in my family’s history. It was our first time together, though, and it ended up being very special.
Obviously, we couldn’t be hopping around the city anymore. In fact, I would be in pain when walking a bit more and, frankly, any movement is way more demanding at the moment. Still, we were smooth to adjust. We were actually pleased with the situation because it reflected that we are in our final phase before welcoming our boy.
This romantic getaway was an excellent opportunity to enjoy ourselves and be grateful. Grateful for our relationship, for our lives and good health. On top of that, it was most likely our last trip before we become parents. All this made it for a magical weekend, with wonderful walks, resting, good food and great scenery. Most of all, it was great to spend time together, as a couple.