Author: Inês Paler

Baby is coming!

The baby is coming! My honey and I went on this long business trip, with a final destination in Sydney, for 2 weeks. It’s true that Sydney in July is facing the Winter but that’s the kind of Winter that is just nice and pleasant. Just imagine it, with 20’C temperatures, sunny and a little bit of a breeze o help you going roundabout. It’s an awesome city, with a great laid back atmosphere, amazing landscapes and much to do and see. Suddenly,  the main reason to be there was gone. So we decided to cut the trip short and...

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I’ll meet you soon.

I’ll meet you soon. This time I knew it. I could just feel it in my body that a baby had arrived and was growing inside me. I was glowing with happiness and trying not to get too excited about it. Not before I could take the pregnancy test. But it was clear: the symptoms were there and every single part of me was telling me to connect to my womb where life was just beginning. When the period was expected to came, nothing happened. It was the confirmation of what I sort of knew already. How exciting! I couldn’t wait to...

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Exercise Flow – Wunda Chair and Cadillac

Wunda Chair – Footwork This was a nice warm up exercise and an interesting one. Instead of focusing on extending the hips, the focus is on the “return of the pedal”, to the initial position where flexing the hip is actually the main movement. This requires a conscious effort to let go of the hips, letting them fall into their sockets, while moving this whole area. It doesn’t come naturally but it surely sets the note for the rest the session where one needs to let go of the old habits and explore something different. The different foot positions (toes, middle foot, heels) are brilliantly designed to work on the different lines, enhancing the purpose of a nice warm up. On toes: Currently the easiest one, stretching and engaging the Superficial Back Line. It’s a nice stretch and if you manage to keep your upper body centered, you really feel a nice stretch all the way up to the back of your head. On arches: A bit more of a challenge as, unfortunately, my initial thoughts still go towards “I have flat feet…, there are no arches”. Which is a pity because, actually, now there are arches (compared to a year ago) and these feet deserve some more recognition. Moving on, in this position to main line is the Deep Front one, which is the one that tends to...

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So, what happens when you leave the place you’ve been intensely working at for the past ten years? Surprisingly little, at first. I still wake up from dreams about work, wondering about a report, or a project that needs to get done. A keyword, a name will trigger an association with work and the impulse to find out more, to interfere. I still say we/our when in reality it’s they/theirs. Every now and then there is a pang of anxiety, a feeling that this is just a vacation, an interruption; a sense of the floor slipping under my feet....

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