Author: Inês Paler

Week 13 – Toy Car

Week 13 – Toy Car Emotional times Trips, Moving, Growing (Emotional) Changes “Is it showing or I am getting fat? Am I tired or getting lazy? Am I hungry or finding excuses for another delicious pear?” The last week of the third trimester. It was a little emotional with a trip to London packed with stress and anxiety. For example, one of the episodes included being evacuated from the hotel I was sleeping at. I was in a training for becoming certified on psychometric and ability tests. This will be very helpful in a coaching context.   The training...

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Week 12 – Brussel Sprouts

Week 12 – Brussel Sprouts The baby is the size of a brussel sprout! Vertigo and changes. It’s a boy! “It’s official: there’s a baby coming, our family is growing and we’ll be forever changed.”  The results from the screen test arrived last week and the genetic tests came back normal – yay!!! On top of that, we found out: it is a boy! 🙂 This is truly exciting and now we know our baby a little better.   We told our families that we are expecting a baby, that it’s a boy and all is going very well. It...

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Week 11 – Bee Hummingbird

Week 11 – Bee Hummingbird Feeling Vulnerable in a strange land. Vulnerable “Ah, I missed him, I missed home This week I had to go to the UK for a certification training. It was a bit of an adventure as somebody forgot to tell me the training had been cancelled. Ooops. We then tried to pull it off last minute. It took a lot of flexibility from everyone but it ended up being rather good. The highlight though was the realisation that I’m more vulnerable.   I was there alone, which is a great opportunity to enjoy my own company and reset...

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Week 10 – Lego Man

Week 10 – Lego Man Symptoms and doubts The baby is now the size of a Lego man! “And now I can drink water again, as long as it is slowly and just a few sips at the time.” The baby is now the size of a Lego man! As that was not awesome enough, the internal organs are now basically there and working by themselves. It’s mind blowing. And the baby is touching the face and starting to practice some coordination. Symptoms are touch wood, starting to get a bit lighter, especially nausea. I’m still tired very often...

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