Week 17: Moving
And we have arrived at our new home. A lot to do, really, a lot, I did now remember moving being so intense, but maybe that’s because it’s the first time we do it with an infant and another baby on the way!
Everything is moving
Week 17: The baby is now the size of a multi-tool
This was another intense week. We are now moving to our new home, which we absolutely love. Everything is going well and although the list of things to do, pack, unpack, sell, give away, sort out and update doesn’t seem to get any smaller, we are very happy.
Our boy has been exploring his new space and seems to love it. Still, it has been a lot for him: so many new things to see and do, a lot of new faces and people coming and going, all the boxes, the inevitable changes in his routine… He has been amazing about it and we really can’t complain about him being a bit more tired than usual.

Baby is moving
The pregnancy is going well, and it’s becoming more evident that the baby is moving. This pregnancy is moving so quickly it’s mind-blowing. Soon, we will be halfway through, and it feels like we just found out about this excellent news. He is, however, gaining his space in my belly and our hearts. Bit by bit, he’s a part of the family and becoming more present in everyday moments and decisions. It’s hard to tell how I can love him so much already but it’s an incredible feeling.
Everything is moving
So much is changing: the pregnancy, our homes, our lives, the season, our rhythms and expectations. It’s overwhelming and tiring. And yet, I couldn’t wish for anything else. See, I have the best partner for this life adventure and just seeing how unique my husband reassures me of everything and anything.