Tag: journal pregnant

Week 21 – Weasel

The boy is big! Over 26 cms, moving around non stop when awake and then going back to sleep. He is just adorable and I can’t wait to meet him 🙂   My husband was travelling for most of the week and there was plenty to do about the move, paperwork, coaching certification, etc.. On top of that, a lot to do and decide regarding Pilates, which has been quite draining. All and all, I’ve been quite tired and I am not too happy about it. There are no big problems, just a lot of things biting at my peace of...

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Week 19 – Hedgehog

Week 19 – Hedgehog What a week! Everything at once A spiky week A trip to London, 5h Pilates workouts, a final certification exam, hitting my face against a wall, my dad’s visit and catching a cold – it was a fully packed week. This was a packed week: I had a trip to London, with 5 hour long Pilates workouts. I also went through a final certification exam. To top things up, I hit my face against a wall, my dad came to visit and I caught a cold.   It was intense, exhausting and I learned a...

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Week 18 – Slingshot

Week 18 – Slingshot The baby is the size of a slingshot Growing in all areas Moving forwards “How much can we share of all the noises, movements, feelings and thoughts that I am experiencing now?”  Growing and Moving It has been a very busy week, filled with an overall feeling of positive change.   The baby keeps growing and all seems to be going very well. He is moving a lot, which feels amazing, and I am having a bit more energy during the day. Feeling the baby move seems to be motivating and uplifting, somehow.    This...

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Concentrated Happiness

We have a new home, a beautiful home and it’s just unbelievable how great this phase in life is. We spent the weekend packing and unpacking, dealing with little time and tiredness but in the end it was actually quite a lot of fun. The new home is beautiful and we are now discovering bits and pieces at each moment. There’s a lot to process and assimilate and I have caught myself a few times just looking out at the garden (because now there’s one!), without moving for a long time, while feeling like I’m doing a million things...

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Week 17 – Chipmunk

Week 17 – Chipmunk Baby is the size of a chipmunk Can’t eat enough nuts for this Fast Progress, Slow Fuel “The feeling in the belly changes every day, becoming closer to what I imagine the kicks will feel like.” 17 weeks already, things are going rather quickly and smoothly.   The main symptoms at the moment are dizziness and headaches, which come and go. It looks like I need more protein and I’m not sure how to get the recommended 70+ gr per day – it’s a lot! I’m considering protein supplements but, of course, the debate amongst...

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