Week 14: Time to Pause
Time to Pause
Week 14: The baby is now the size of a bicycle Bell
We went on a family vacation to a resort in the mountains. The whole place was organized and centered around families: from the furniture in the rooms, the food menus, the rooms to play in, to a couple of baby pools for the children to splash in.
There was time to rest, cuddle and have lots of fun together as a family. My man and son bonded a lot and made up for the period when they couldn’t spend so much time together or play as usual (trips and health issues). They loved it, both of them, and I am very proud and a bit embarrassed to say that most of the time the baby wanted nothing more than being in his daddy’s arms. And who can blame him?

Time to Bond
I also got to bond more with my unborn baby. There were more quiet time and space to just connect and talk for a bit. It is something that I did more during the first pregnancy, and I was missing these dedicated moments, only the two of us.
The baby seems to be doing great, growing and the belly is starting to show. It’s beautiful to wonder how he’ll be, imagine a new life with this brand-new miracle in our lives. Wow, we sure are fortunate.
My husband, as always, was outstanding giving me room to rest and lay back. We still had the opportunity of being just the two of us in the evenings. We would have dinner and go for short walks while frequently checking that the baby was still asleep. Ah, the wonders of technology…!
Anyway, a trip to cherish and that we genuinely savoured. It might be a while before we can do something like this again. On top of that, it was essential to recharge a little as we face a new wave of changes: a new baby, moving to a new home, a new job a baby who’s quickly becoming a toddler.