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Same Voice, Fewer Typos
It is time to write again. As you might have read, I stopped writing after realizing how many spelling and grammar mistakes there were in my posts. It was awkward, and no one reading needs to go through that.
Nowadays, with AI, no one really needs to write anymore, I guess. And while there is some temptation in having the content created by these incredible magicians, it wouldn’t be the same at all.
See, the reason why there are so many writing issues is because I have a thought or a story in my head, and it’s brewing for a while, maybe a few days or weeks. At some point, these mind wanderings need to come out and I put them “to paper”. However, this process is chaotic, quick, and there isn’t much thought given to form and shape – just the content. Of course, I review the text afterwards but, who can really read what they wrote?
Trying to proofread it a few days later makes absolutely no sense, the same way you don’t go and eat french fries a couple of days later. They are cold, dry, and boring by then. There are other thoughts and wonders to attend to.
My solution for now is to write the posts as always, and then put them through a – yes – AI-powered proofreading process, making sure it’s really just about proofreading and not editing.
Editing would make the post much better, regardless of the language I write in, but it won’t really have the same essence anymore.
So, this is my compromise – I hope it works for you too, dear reader.