Author: Inês Paler

Week 21 – Weasel

The boy is big! Over 26 cms, moving around non stop when awake and then going back to sleep. He is just adorable and I can’t wait to meet him 🙂   My husband was travelling for most of the week and there was plenty to do about the move, paperwork, coaching certification, etc.. On top of that, a lot to do and decide regarding Pilates, which has been quite draining. All and all, I’ve been quite tired and I am not too happy about it. There are no big problems, just a lot of things biting at my peace of...

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Deciding when it’s time to push and when it’s time to let go. A journey of balancing different priorities between pregnancy, passions, family, health.

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Week 19 – Hedgehog

Week 19 – Hedgehog What a week! Everything at once A spiky week A trip to London, 5h Pilates workouts, a final certification exam, hitting my face against a wall, my dad’s visit and catching a cold – it was a fully packed week. This was a packed week: I had a trip to London, with 5 hour long Pilates workouts. I also went through a final certification exam. To top things up, I hit my face against a wall, my dad came to visit and I caught a cold.   It was intense, exhausting and I learned a...

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Week 18 – Slingshot

Week 18 – Slingshot The baby is the size of a slingshot Growing in all areas Moving forwards “How much can we share of all the noises, movements, feelings and thoughts that I am experiencing now?”  Growing and Moving It has been a very busy week, filled with an overall feeling of positive change.   The baby keeps growing and all seems to be going very well. He is moving a lot, which feels amazing, and I am having a bit more energy during the day. Feeling the baby move seems to be motivating and uplifting, somehow.    This...

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