Week 7 – He smooths, all is smooth again
Week 7 – The baby is the size of the tip of a eyeliner brush
Smooth Sailing
And, like always, being together feels right. This time, it felt like coming home even though he was the one returning. Finally, our family is once again united. Welcome home, love.
The week went by very quickly, with us adjusting to our tempo again. The dad and son quality time in the morning, the dad and mom quality time in the evenings, the homemade meals – made with love and healthy foods.

Next Trips
We are looking for a new place to live and might have found one. It’s crazy to add yet another change; it’s making me feel a bit overwhelmed. But the house is terrific, and it would make a beautiful home for all of us. In fact, I am still getting used to being a mom and trying to do the best I can for my baby. Now there’s another one on the way – yay! – and we’ll learn how to be a bigger family, hopefully just as beautiful and healthy.
Next week we have a doctor’s appointment to find out more about the baby. It will help me making everything fell a bit more real. How is he or she doing? Can we see the heartbeat already? And tell the head apart from the rest of the body? How will our boy react to all this?
Smooth Brushes
Finally, I’ve been wondering – What if it’s a girl? Googling for comparisons on baby sizes, the baby is as big as the top of an eyeliner brush. I am not sure what that is, beyond a makeup tool. I don’t wear makeup. It just never appealed to me. So, how am I going to introduce her to that world? Do we both go to a class together? Should I encourage her? Shall we associate makeup with the values and fights between genders? Tell her that she is beautiful and makeup will only cover her beauty? What if this would only suppress her curiosity with self-expression? Oh, my, oh, my. Simply put, I have no idea. And this is just an eyeliner brush. Or is it? Should I just brush it all away? As you can see, I am trying to brush up my writing skills.
After all, will I change entirely once again? Will this baby transform me and us as much? Probably, even if in a different way. And although we are still adapting to change, I am looking forward to this next transformation. And to welcome this baby to our home.